Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Quick Update

Well, my dad's "mass" on his kidney has been deemed (with about 99% certainty) cancerous and his kidney will be removed (possibly tomorrow, but more likely Thursday). He is still in a lot of pain (well, I take that back, at the moment he's feelin' pretty good...gotta love pain manegement!) and he's having some trouble breathing (it hurts to do so). He had a filter put in last night through his groin (it went very well, might I add!) to help with the blood clots, and he's being pumped full of blodd thinners for them as well. He is FINALLY catching up on some much needed sleep, as he got virtunally none last night and very little yesterday.

Any new changes will be updated when we get them. Thanks again for the prayers...they just may have been what saved him as the clots traveled through his heart to the lungs.


Deb Keller said...

Hi Katie -
Sending our love and prayers to you and your family. Your family's strength is amazing, we'll keep you close in our hearts. We are here for you.

With Love,
The Kellers

Anonymous said...

Katie-Thank you for the update. We all know what a tough guy your dad is and he will pull through all of this and be singing G.L.O.R.I.A. and You are so beautiful to me in no time! Love you all!
Brooke, Aaron and Carson