For those of you who know me well, you will understand that this post is a very important one to me! This week was my first week as a Lead Counsler for the Kent County Humane Society's summer kids camp, and it has been a blast! I have had the oppurtunity to meet so many wonderful animals, all of whom need a forever home. From dogs to cats, and bunnies to rats, I am loving every minute of this job!! I will explain the pics...the top pic is with me and two of four of the Fancy Rats up for adoption. They are VERY loving and I'd take them home if Austin wasn't such a chicken. The second pic is of a deaf Australian Shepard named Keller who came to visit the kids with his owner. The third is of the group of 80+ kids listening to a speaker. Fourth is of two of the 52 ferrets that are in a Ferret rescue, and the final two pics are of my favorite dog there...Harley (who looks a lot like our late beloved white boxer Charlie)...WHO HAS BEEN ADOPTED (look closely at the bottom pic!!!!)!!!!
I'm sure I'll be posting many more pics of this job, which I have to say has been my favorite job EVER!!!!
Congrats! This sounds like a job that's right up your alley. I'm glad you get to do this, what fun!
Awww... cute dogs, Katie! You look like you've been to heaven and back! =) Love the dog named KELLER - LOL!!
I hope you're having a great Summer!! We miss you - let's have a Ladies League night, soon.
Big hugs!
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