Thursday, May 08, 2008


That's's my Baby Bear's birthday today!! He is turning 8 in doggy years, 56 in human years. My baby has lived eight long years through epillepsy, pancreatitis, near-fatal cardiac arrythmias, alopecia, skin cancer, 2 hip replacememnts and 2 cruciate repairs (his knee) after getting hit by a car. The list goes on and on...

He is such a good boy for all he's gone through! I love him oh-so-much and hope I get 8 more years with him!! Love you Hooney Baby Bear Bam Bam Bubble Ball Pants!! You bring so much happiness to Mom and Dad (especially Mom!!!). :)

P.S. This is NOT a good pic of him...I'll get a better one later tonight! :) Maybe I can get him to pose with a party hat on?


jessica said...

happy birthday hoonis!

Tom, Lauren, Maddie and Cru said...

Happy Birthday Hoonie Bear!! :D Hugs from Auntie Lauren!!