Saturday, October 20, 2007


Wow...I think this is the longest time spent NOT blogging! Out laptop crashed and burned shortly after our last posting, and we have been using a "loaner" (thanks, Mom Bibler!) until we get a new one. Unfortunately, we have no pics of the incredible game last night between Rockford and Muskegon, but, to the entire state's surprise...Rockford won 28-21, and Brogan did AWESOME!! We are now onto the playoffs...many pics and info to come soon on that!

Here's a link from Wood TV8 of Brogan recovering a critical fumble (it's hard to see Brogan, but I was him!!!) It's also on the Rockford Football website as "Fumble recovered by Bibler"! In case you can see him, Brogan is #2.

and here's another link to watch:


Anonymous said...

Go Rams! I listened to the entire game on the radio Friday night while Aaron was gone coaching and Carson was sleeping. How exciting! Great Job Brogan.